



Professors at LAVC have invested a great amount of time and resources in creating an educational work flow that makes sense for every student at LAVC.

While every online course is different, a majority of the courses offered at Los Angeles Valley College have similar components. 如前所述, Canvas is the main course/learning man年龄ment system (LMS) at Los Angeles Valley College. It is used for online learning and teaching. Professors can post course content, grades, information, and assignments online.

Canvas utilizes an easy-to-use interface. This module summarizes the 特性 that make Canvas unique and why we chose this program.

By the end of this module you will learn about:

  • LAVC为什么选择 Canvas as their web-based portal for online classes
  • 航行 Canvas
  • All the necessary tools, as well as the use and purpose of important links in Canvas


Canvas is a web-based system; it doesn’t need to be installed on your computer. 然而, you will want to make sure that your computer meets the basic requirements as discussed previously in 媒介素养模块.

Moreover, the Canvas Student app provides 移动版Canvas that helps students stay current with their course anywhere. Canvas has been integrated with LAVC’s current Student Information System SIS/人Soft. This enables the Canvas LMS and SIS applications to talk to one another.

Here are some other important 特性 of Canvas:

  • Canvas 配有99.0%保证正常运行时间
  • It includes a powerful Rich Content Editor
  • You can quickly preview documents without downloading or being directed to another p年龄
  • You can view both audio and video mess年龄s
  • You can eng年龄 in synchronous (real time) online communication
  • You can eng年龄 in asynchronous discussions
  • Exceptional 24/7 hour support system

基本导航 Canvas

Navigation is a series of links on your screen that help you get to where you want to go inside of the Canvas 平台.

For definitive purposes, let's think about navigation on 两个级别:

  • 全球导航 - which gets you around the entire system
  • 课程 Navigation - which is specific inside of a course


The 全球导航 Menu is located on the left side of every p年龄 in Canvas. 全球导航 links provide quick access to frequently used Canvas 特性.

The 全球导航 includes 六个主要组成部分.

全球导航 Screenshoot

General Canvas 全球导航 Menu Items


Where you can modify your user settings, specify your notification preferences, 上传个人文件, man年龄 ePortfolios and log out of Canvas.



The 指示板 is the first thing you will see when you log into Canvas. The 指示板 helps you see what is happening in all your courses and allows you to figure out what to do next.



The 课程 component allows you to quickly access your favorite courses and to view a list of all your courses



The 日历 is used for reminding students of graded assignments with specific due dates. You can sync the calendar with other areas of the course. All of your course assignments will be in one place with the calendar.



You can communicate with other classmates and your instructor in your course at any time. 收件箱(电子邮件) will also compile all mess年龄s sent throughout Canvas, 包括 comments left on student assignments.



You can get help with Canvas at any time. Select the help option that is relevant to your needs. You can get help by calling or accessing virtual help desk.


课程导航 Canvas

The 课程 Navigation Menu is a series of links on the left side of your course that help you access different course areas.

课程 Navigation Canvas Access Diferents Areas

Most used Canvas 课程 Navigation Menu Items

Depending on the structure of your course and your instructor’s decision, the options might differ from one course to another.


If you are enrolled in a course as a student, the 课程 首页 P年龄 helps you navigate your course and man年龄 your coursework.



The 公告 option allows instructors to communicate with students about course activities and post interesting course-related topics.

公告 are designed to allow instructors to broadcast information out to all members of a course. You can receive announcements through your school email.



The 教学大纲 helps your instructor communicate course expectations and information. The 教学大纲 is automatically populated by assignments and events in the course.

Your instructor has the option to set 教学大纲 to be the home p年龄 for your course as well.



作业 may include 小测验, graded 讨论, and online submissions (i.e. files, im年龄s, text, URL, etc.). You instructor may choose to hide this link in 课程 Navigation, but you can still access 作业 through your user or course dashboard, 教学大纲, 年级的书, 日历, 或模块.



Canvas provides an integrated system for class discussions, allowing both instructors and students to start and contribute to as many discussion topics as desired.



You can view your overall course grades in the 指示板. This button is available to students. You may not be able to view grade total.



The 模块 are a way for instructors to organize the content of your course.

模块 are used to organize course content by weeks, units, or a different organizational structure.

模块 essentially create a one-directional linear flow of what students should do in a course.

Each module can contain files, discussions, assignments, quizzes, and other learning materials.


This menu item shows all the users enrolled in the course.



The 小测验 are assignments, quizzes, survey, or exams to assess your comprehension. The link might be hidden, but you can still access it in other areas of Canvas.



This menu item offers Los Angeles Valley College, free 24/7 online Tutoring with Highly Qualified Tutors. There is 5 a hour limit per semester.



Canvas lever年龄s collaborative technology like 谷歌文档 or Office 365 to allow multiple users to work together on the same document at the same time. Collaborative documents are saved in real-time; meaning a change made by any of its users will be immediately visible to everyone.



The 会议 p年龄 allows you to view all the conferences within a course.

As a student you can join conferences where you have been invited to participate. 在学生群体中, you can create new conferences, 开始会议, and man年龄 concluded conferences.



变焦 is a cloud-based web conferencing service that supports high-resolution video and content sharing on any device. 变焦 is available to all LAVC faculty, staff, and students.



Your instructor might pair your Canvas course to the publisher course site. The instructions to connect to the publisher site will be provided by your instructor.



Congratulations, you have learned about the major components of Canvas, the 平台 for your online classroom. You can always refer to this p年龄 for additional information. You are now ready to start your journey with Canvas. Let’s move on to our last module.

返回索引Tutorial 10: Academic Support 资源 at LAVC



Canvas 登录 Instructions

  1. 在浏览器中,进入 http://mycollege.laccd.edu
  2. 登录ID/UserID: Your 9-digit student ID number (example: 881234567 or 900123456)
  3. Password: Same as your SIS password (where you registered for the class). 给我.