Arts, Media, and Design
LAVC Arts, Media, and Design palette logo with title Valley College name

Welcome to the Arts, Media, and Design Career and Academic Pathway (CAP)

Valley College’s Arts, Media, 设计职业和学术途径(AMD CAP)是为那些喜欢在各种不同媒介上自我表达的学生准备的. 学生可以在工作室艺术等领域学习艺术,以完善他们在艺术制作或平面设计方面的工艺,为学生在该行业的职位做好准备. 

If you are a currently enrolled student and in the AMD CAP, click on the button below to join the AMD CAP Canvas site, the one-stop hub to help you succeed and complete your pathway at LAVC.  

Join the AMD CAP Canvas site 

Arts, Media, and Design

Program Mapper

Want to explore the majors in this CAP and see what classes you would take?  We have a great tool available to help you plan your college and career path. 

Arts, Media, and Design Program Mapper

AMD CAP Programs & Departments

In the AMD CAP, students can major in music (with either performance or commercial focus), theater (acting, directing, or technical focus), art (studio art or graphic design), or photography (creative/commercial or photojournalism). Students interested in radio, film, and television can major in broadcasting (with a performance, radio, or tv focus) or cinema/media arts (with a focus on directing, producing, screenwriting, post-production, or visual effects). 新闻学专业的学生将学习报道和制作多媒体内容, including options for focusing on either magazines or newspapers. 

AMD Areas of Study

Click on the tabs below to access information about each Area of Study

Art Department

 Art Department Chair: Eugenia Sumnik-Levins, @email  


Broadcasting Area of Study

 Media Arts Department

 Media Arts Department Chair: Eric Swelstad, @email  

Cinema Area of Study

 Media Arts Department

 Media Arts Department Chair: Eric Swelstad, @email  

Dance Area of Study

Theater and Dance Department 

 Theater and Dance Department Chair: Jennifer Read, @email  

English Area of Study 

English Department 

English Department Chair – Holly Batty, @email  

Humanities Area of Study 

History, Humanities, Law, Political Science (HHLP) Department 

HHLP Chair – Michelle Visco, @email 

Journalism Area of Study

 Media Arts Department

 Media Arts Department Chair: Eric Swelstad, @email  

非学分提供免学费课程,旨在为学生提供终身学习以及大学和职业准备机会. Noncredit courses are not applicable to a degree.  

 Continuing Education (Noncredit) Department

 Continuing Education Department Chair – Lilit Davoyan, @email

Media Arts Area of Study

Media Arts Department

Media Arts Department Chair: Eric Swelstad, @email  

Music Department

Music Department Chair: Yih-Mei Hu, @email  

非学分提供免学费课程,旨在为学生提供终身学习以及大学和职业准备机会. Noncredit courses are not applicable to a degree.  

Continuing Education (Noncredit) Department

Continuing Education Department Chair – Lilit Davoyan, @email

Photography Area of Study

Media Arts Department

Media Arts Department Chair: Eric Swelstad, @email  


Theater Area of Study

 Theater and Dance Department

 Theater and Dance Department Chair: Jennifer Read, @email  


Meet Your LAVC Support Network

Your CAP is a network of people who are available to help you with your academic, career, and personal goals. 你的一些社区包括教授、顾问、成功教练、图书管理员和导师. 

职业转移中心帮助您实现职业和教育目标. We can help you discover your dream career, identify majors that can help you get there, and develop the skills needed to land an internship or job. If you are unsure about your major or career, considering changing your major, or need help finding work, the Career Transfer Center is there for you.  We can support you in making informed career decisions, building your resume, developing your interviewing and networking skills, and searching for jobs & internships. 访问职业转学中心网页,与职业专家预约, sign up for a workshop, and learn about our upcoming career events. 
Visit the Career Transfer Center 
Examples of Questions to Ask a Member of the Career Transfer Center: 

  • 我可以采取哪些步骤来了解什么职业和专业最符合我的兴趣, values, and skills? 

  • What career opportunities are available within the major I am considering? 

  • 有哪些实习或其他机会可以帮助我提高工作准备技能? 

  • What jobs are available in my area of interest? 

  • How can I prepare myself to increase my chances of securing a job? 

  • Which career community is best for me based on my interests? 

Counselors are available to answer your academic, career, and personal questions and to help you to develop an educational plan. 辅导员可以帮助你计划每学期的课程选择,以最大限度地提高你完成学位的机会, certificate and/or transfer goals. They can also help you learn how to choose a career, major, 转学,为学业和个人成功提供策略. 一定要定期拜访你的辅导员,根据你的专业和转学目标更新你的教育计划. Make an appointment with a counselor here: 

Visit Counseling 
Examples of Questions to Ask Your Counselor: 

  • Can we review my Student Educational Plan (SEP)?

  • What courses should I take to meet my career/academic goal(s)? 

  • How do I receive credit for AP (Advanced Placement) test scores? 

  • How do I receive credit for coursework completed at another college? 

  • How many classes should I take each term?  

  • How many units are needed to meet my academic goal?  

  • How can I improve my current academic standing? 

LAVC Librarians are experts in academic research and citation. 我们可以指导您完成研究过程的各个阶段:理解研究任务, selecting a topic, developing research strategies, finding credible sources, and citing information. 我们在参考咨询台提供一对一的研究协助,每小时图书馆开放, and 24/7 live chat support online. No appointment is required. 
Get Your questions answered by a librarian anytime, anywhere! 
Chat Now 
Examples of Questions to a Librarian:  

  • How do I use library databases to find resources relevant to my assignment?  

  • Can you help me understand my research assignment?  

  • How can I determine if the information I found online is credible?   

  • How do I cite an image I found online?  

  • What’s the difference between MLA and APA citation format? 

教授可以为你提供在学术和职业生涯中取得成功所必需的知识和技能. You can reach your instructor through their LAVC email, which you can find using the directory link on the LAVC website.  You can also find their preferred contact information through the course syllabus. The syllabus will also provide information about faculty office hours, which are times outside of class specifically designated for meeting with students. 办公时间有时也被称为教师旁听时间,是提问和与教师建立专业关系的好地方.  It is important to get to know your professors, especially in your major, 因为他们可以提供有价值的职业和/或转学建议,并且可以在你需要的时候提供推荐信/推荐信. 

Reach out to Professors via email, during office hours, or on Canvas. 

LAVC Directory of Email Address

Examples of Questions to Ask Your Professors: 

  • Can you please clarify this assignment?  

  • How can I best prepare for your exams? 

  • What strategies do you recommend for reading the materials/texts in your class?  

  • Where can I go for tutoring and/or supplemental instruction? 

  • What are the common habits of your best students? 

  • Why did you decide to major in this field? 

学生成功教练可以帮助你适应大学的各个方面,包括如何在课堂上取得好成绩, how to connect to clubs and other opportunities to make friends, and how to find school/life balance.  我们是你的支持者和合作伙伴,在这里帮助你成功地驾驭大学,并可以为你连接到校园内外的广泛支持和资源. 我们将通过电子邮件向您介绍我们自己,所以请务必定期查看您的LACCD电子邮件.   
Examples of Questions to Ask A Success Coach 

  • Where can I go for help with _______________? 

  • How do I navigate Canvas or my student email? 

  • I got this email from LAVC. What does it mean? 

  • How do I choose which professors might be a good match for me?  

  • 我正在努力平衡学习、工作和其他责任,你有什么建议吗? 

  • I am experiencing food and/or housing insecurity.  Who can I reach out to for help?   

  • I need to see a counselor.  What should I do to prepare before I go so I get the most out of my appointment? 

Tutoring is a powerful tool that all students should take advantage of, whether or not they are struggling in a class. 导师是LAVC的学生,他们可以在广泛的科目上帮助你,也可以模拟技术, strategies, and beliefs that successful learners use to acquire new knowledge, solve problems, and complete academic tasks. 简而言之,导师帮助LAVC学生培养他们独立完成工作所需的技能. 

我们提供各种学科的辅导和学术支持,并提供自习室等资源, laptop/book use, and instructional handouts.  


Academic Resource Center
Examples of Questions to ask a Tutor:  

  • What are some things you did to be successful in your courses? 

  • 在我要求辅导之前,我能做些什么来提高我的学习效率呢?  

  • As a student, do you have any general advice on being a student here at LAVC? 

  • 我可以使用哪些外部资源和/或技巧来帮助我准备考试? 

CAP In Action

The Arts, Media, 设计CAP是一个充满活力和吸引人的途径,提供了体验各种媒介的艺术和文化的机会.  

Los Angeles Valley College Art Gallery 为学生和圣费尔南多谷更大的社区提供资源. Presenting ambitious visual arts exhibitions, lectures and collaborative partnerships, we provide a dynamic platform for dialogue, inquiry, and discovery.

Dance Performances are offered through the LAVC Dance Program, 它是戏剧和舞蹈系的一部分,位于北体育馆. We offer day and evening classes in a variety of dance disciplines, including Hip-Hop, Ballet, Modern, Tap, Jazz, Salsa, Pilates, Choreography, Dance Production, Dance History, and Dance for Film and Stage. 我们致力于舞蹈作为一种创造性的出口,文化产品和学术追求的价值. In our commitment to serving the entire community, 我们的课程提供了在一个支持性的教育环境中体验舞蹈的机会,并包括个人关注, faculty and peer evaluation, and numerous performance and choreographic opportunities.

Stay tuned!

KVCM.Live is an all digital lab. 它与LAVC的广播课程和广播俱乐部相结合. The purpose is for students to be able to express their ideas, thoughts, stories, 在广播和播客中播放音乐,以进一步实现与媒体相关的教育目标.

The mission of the Museum is to collect, preserve, 并推广与圣费尔南多谷历史相关的历史文物.

LAVC Historial Museum


The Music Department coordinates Music Concerts and Performances each semester.  Check out our Google Doc Calendar or join our Music Department Facebook Group: or email @email

If you need accommodation, due to a disability, to participate in the events listed above, please contact (818) 947-2346 at least 5 business days in advance of a concert.

Situated at the crossroads of L.A.全国戏剧、电影、电视行业,由戏剧艺术系协调 Theater Performances and LAVC strives to integrate high professional standards with broad educational goals and maximum student opportunity; the Theater Arts faculty and staff comprise a rare combination of dedicated educators and experienced professionals, 该部门的节目将充满活力的制作时间表与全面的课程组合在一起,为传统和非传统的学生以及校园和社区观众提供服务.

Student Clubs within the CAP

Student clubs are a great way to network within the CAP, connect with other students, and explore topics related to the CAP. 

Broadcasting Club: Contact

Cinema Club:  Contact Chad Sustin at

Valley Collegiate Players: Contact Jennifer Read at

In addition to the CAP specific clubs, the Associated Student Union (ASU) also has numerous clubs for students. Visit the ASU website for more information. 

Arts, Media, and Design Programs

Credit English as a Second Language (ESL)
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Advanced ESL Milestone - Pathway to Broadcasting C
Advanced ESL Milestone - Pathway to Cinema/Media Arts C
Advanced ESL Milestone - Pathway to Music C
Art History
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Art History AA-T AA
Graphic Design
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Art: Graphic Design AA
Graphic Design C
Art Studio
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Art: Studio AA
Studio Arts AA-T
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Broadcasting AA
Broadcasting: Performance AA C
Broadcasting: Radio AA C
Broadcasting: Television AA C
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Business of Entertainment C
DaVinci Resolve Techniques C
Film, Television, and Electronic Media AS-T
Gig Economy Careers in Entertainment C
On-Set Camera and DIT Skills C
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Cinema Arts Production AA C
Cinema Arts Theory AA C
Commercial Music
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Commercial Music AA
Commercial Music: Instrumental/Vocal Performer C
Commercial Music: Jazz Studies C
Commercial Music: Music Arranging C
Commercial Music: Music Notation C
Engineering Graphics and Design
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Computer Graphics/Design C
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
English AA-T
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Humanities AA
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Journalism AA-T
Journalism: Magazine AA C
Journalism: Newspaper AA C
Adult Education
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Media Arts - Career Prep
Media Arts
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Media Arts - Directing AA C
Media Arts - Post-Production AA C
Media Arts - Producing AA C
Media Arts - Screenwriting AA C
Media Arts: Core Studies C
Media Arts: Visual Effects AA C
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Music AA-T AA
Music Technology
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Music Technology C
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Photography AA C
Theater Arts
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Theater Arts AA
Theater Arts: Acting AA
Theater Arts: Directing AA
Theater Arts: Technical AA
Theater Production C
Theatre Arts AA-T